• Life Hacks

    5 Amazing Health Benefits of Stair Climbing

    Health Benefits of stair climbing

    5 Amazing Health Benefits of Stair Climbing According to many studies, 30 minutes of physical activity every day make you healthy and leave many positive impacts on your body. It is not only good for physical health but it promotes social, psychological, and cardiovascular health. World health organization suggests 150 minutes of physical to every adult to save themselves from diseases. Nowadays, in the fast-moving world, everyone is busy with daily life activities they do not pay attention to daily life activities.  For the sake of your own health, focus on physical activities every day. Stair climbing is one of the best ways of integrating physical bustle into everyday life. It is the easiest activity for people who are busy in their daily…

  • Life Hacks

    Yoga for Migraine | Heal Headache with Yoga

    yoga for migraine

    Yoga for Migraine | Heal Headache with Yoga Are you tired of getting enough painkillers to get rid of migraine headaches? Do you want to change your headache into peace? Then stay with us because in this blog we are going to explore some yoga poses that will help you to say goodbye to your headache. Yoga is one type of medicine that helps you to keep fit, active, smart, and healthy. Yoga helps you feel better. Meditation, deep breathing, and poses are involved in this mind-body practice. In fact, a 2020 study published in the medical journal Neurology found that, if migraine-affected people do yoga regularly for 3 months can get rid of headaches. They can even cut back on their medications.…

  • Fruits & Veggies

    Health Benefits of Cherries

    Health Benefits of Cherries

    Health Benefits of Cherries Cherries, the small round deep red fruits, are one of the most popular, beloved, and healthiest fruits of all time. They are not only delicious but are loaded and packed with fiber and other nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates, too, with a very low-calorie count.  There are several types of cherries depending on the origins and seasons, some are sweet, others are sour in taste; some are small, and some are large. They fall in the category of prunes. People love to eat cherries; some use them to make fresh juices, sometimes used as decoration on cakes or puddings. While sour, cherries are used in cooking. There are countless health benefits of cherries; we may shed light upon…

  • Health,  Life Hacks

    How Much Sleep Do You Need? Myth & Facts!

    How much sleep do you need?

    How Much Sleep Do You Need? Myth & Facts! How many hours of sleep at night you should need? Which important roles sleep can play in your health? By understanding your needs, you can make your schedule of sleep and work for better health. Importance of Sleep Your night’s sleep is an important factor in your life, and how you will feel throughout the day depends on your night’s sleep. Sleep influences your weight, function, creativity, brain, heart health, creativity, and vitality. Therefore, you should get proper sleep to stay active full day. Not getting enough sleep may cause many health issues such as high blood pressure, weakness of eyesight, fatigue, and brain problems. Improve your mood, brainpower, and health by getting good…